
Tag: Lyme disease

61. Lyme disease, Fecal Transplants, and God

Sascha Alexander: Sascha ( www.saschaalexander.com ) is a Professional Life, Health, and Business Coach. She started her health journey five years ago when she fell suddenly ill at age 28 with a progressive multi-system mystery illness that was stripping her of her life. Here is our first podcast episode with the whole story. ( https://jackieshea.com/2018/03/26/19-root-causes-cures-autoimmunity/ […]

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58. Lyme disease Podcast: Gut Health and Laughter with Cindy Kennedy

Cindy Kennedy In this Lyme disease podcast episode, I interview Cindy Kennedy ( www.pursuewellness.us ). Cindy is a Nurse Practitioner who worked in women’s health for over 20 years.  She practiced gynecology and has cared for thousands of patients. Unbeknownst to her, she contracted Lyme disease.  She never saw a tick, or a bullseye rash. Her symptoms […]

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44. Lyme Disease, How Community Helps us Heal, and The Spoonie Theory

Show Notes: Noelle Janka (www.noellejanka.com) is a  healing coach, intuitive mentor, and yoga teacher. More broadly, she supports social changemakers in seeing new possibilities for their healing, career, and the contribution they want to make in the world. After years of symptoms went undiagnosed, Noelle finally got a Lyme diagnosis in 2013. Since then, she has done […]

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33. Amy B. Scher • Lyme disease • This is How I Save My Life (When No One Else Can) – Jackie Shea

Amy B. Scher, “This Is How I Save My Life” After seven years of boundless symptoms, innumerable diagnoses, and all the treatments you can imagine, the root of Amy’s trouble was discovered: Lyme disease. Amy B. Scher (http://amybscher.com) had gotten accustomed to a life in-between wellness and illness, rarely fully in either world. When traveling […]

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31. Stella De Mont • Listening to Your Own Miraculous Body’s Wisdom and Guidance – Jackie Shea

Stella: Eleven episodes of pneumonia affected Stella between the ages of one and twelve. Yes, ELEVEN different episodes. Always bouncing back, she was never seen as sickly by herself or her fellows. At 19, after a bad sunburn, she woke up to a sudden fever, pain in every joint, and, shortly after the onset, was […]

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29. Lyme disease and Using Meditation to Heal—Healing Out Loud Podcast – Jackie Shea

Shona Curley’s Lyme Journey: Shona is one of the seemingly lucky ones: She found the tick and pulled it out. But, even that didn’t stop chronic lyme disease symptoms from appearing, and, surprisingly, it also didn’t streamline her diagnosis. There’s no doubt that, in Northern California where Lyme disease is prevalent, Shona should have been […]

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14. Why Women are so Sick, with Sini Anderson – Jackie Shea

Sini Anderson: A feminist filmmaker and activist, Sini was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2010 during production of her documentary, The Punk Singer. After watching her dear friend, Kathleen Hanna, battle Lyme disease and then—in a weird plot twist— battling it herself, Sini knew her next film was going to be about Lyme disease. Research […]

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12. Lyme disease and Braving Nature to Heal – Jackie Shea

Kate Rentz: Kate Rentz is a director and photographer living in Los Angeles, CA.  She’s enthusiastic about the outdoors, culture, travel, art, and human connection.  Kate was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2015 after suffering for 15+ years going undiagnosed. During those 15 years, Kate experienced extreme pain, insomnia, and brain fog which she complained […]

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8. In Sickness and Health: How to Thrive Romantically – Jackie Shea

The Intimidating Combo of Romance and Illness: Ian and I met immediately after my Lyme diagnosis, but it was another six or seven months before I got really sick. Suddenly all of the adventurous stuff we had bonded over was no longer accessible to me. I remember panicking with my rapid decline: How could I […]

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5. How to use Energy Healing to Get Well – Jackie Shea

Energy Healing Have you wondered just what energy healing is? All of this “woo-woo” stuff gaining traction in 2017? (Especially here in Los Angeles.) Learn about shamanism, reiki, and other weird but magical things in this episode from two unlikely women. Emily Wallace “Once I committed to my emotional, mental, spiritual health that’s when I […]

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