
Tag: essential oils

57. I Lost My Sense of Smell! Now What?

Stephanie Feuer: Stephanie Feuer (https://stephaniefeuer.com/) is a New York City-based writer and marketing executive. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Slate, NBC News THINK, Narratively, Organic Life, The Forward and numerous anthologies. She lost her sense of smell after a virus in the summer of 2017 and is currently writing a reported memoir […]

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6. Low Immunity and How Essential Oils Help – Jackie Shea

The “Low” Immune System: There are many different versions of the low immune system story, none to be confused with autoimmune diseases (this is a completely separate topic). Today’s particular story started while my guest was in utero. Before Targa Sahyoun came out of the womb, she received three full blood transfusions. (I know, right!?) Her […]

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