
Category: Podcasts

12. Lyme disease and Braving Nature to Heal – Jackie Shea

Kate Rentz: Kate Rentz is a director and photographer living in Los Angeles, CA.  She’s enthusiastic about the outdoors, culture, travel, art, and human connection.  Kate was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2015 after suffering for 15+ years going undiagnosed. During those 15 years, Kate experienced extreme pain, insomnia, and brain fog which she complained […]

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11. Acupuncture, Cupping, and Herbs, with Michael Niss – Jackie Shea

East Asian Medicine (AKA Chinese Medicine): Acupuncture is growing in popularity in Western society—many insurance plans are even covering the treatments. While acupuncture is becoming more and more a part of our common vocabulary around health and wellness, I wondered how many people actually knew just what it was? It’s just one facet of Traditional […]

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9. How to Self- Advocate at the Doctor’s and Why it’s Crucial – Jackie Shea

  “You are allowed to be demanding and annoying about your health”    Self- Advocacy: This is a topic near and dear to my heart. Probably because it saved my life. I have always said that I am my own primary care-taker and everyone else is supplemental—including doctors. Someone I agree with once said, “the […]

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8. In Sickness and Health: How to Thrive Romantically – Jackie Shea

The Intimidating Combo of Romance and Illness: Ian and I met immediately after my Lyme diagnosis, but it was another six or seven months before I got really sick. Suddenly all of the adventurous stuff we had bonded over was no longer accessible to me. I remember panicking with my rapid decline: How could I […]

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7. How to Navigate a Cancer Diagnosis, with Elina Fuhrman – Jackie Shea

“Cancer changed my life for the best…for sure” -Elina Fuhrman An Intro to Elina Fuhrman: Elina was in the best shape of her life when she grabbed her breasts in a moment of comical whimsy and felt a suspicious lump. That instant her whole life changed course—ultimately for the better. After sinking into a deep […]

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6. Low Immunity and How Essential Oils Help – Jackie Shea

The “Low” Immune System: There are many different versions of the low immune system story, none to be confused with autoimmune diseases (this is a completely separate topic). Today’s particular story started while my guest was in utero. Before Targa Sahyoun came out of the womb, she received three full blood transfusions. (I know, right!?) Her […]

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5. How to use Energy Healing to Get Well – Jackie Shea

Energy Healing Have you wondered just what energy healing is? All of this “woo-woo” stuff gaining traction in 2017? (Especially here in Los Angeles.) Learn about shamanism, reiki, and other weird but magical things in this episode from two unlikely women. Emily Wallace “Once I committed to my emotional, mental, spiritual health that’s when I […]

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4.How Trauma Affects us and How to Heal – Jackie Shea

Trauma: Most of us have it. From childhood trauma to sexual trauma, these experiences get locked in our bodies and affect our immune systems and inflammation responses. The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences)  study was performed at Kaiser over a four-year period in the 90’s. The study concluded that childhood trauma resulted in serious medical consequences. […]

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3. Lyme Disease: How to Self-Care with a Demanding Job – Jackie Shea

  Lyme disease:   Halley Feiffer ignored her symptoms until they were drastically affecting her lifestyle. It was backstage in the middle of a performance, when she realized that she couldn’t rely on booking effortless jobs and she needed to go to the doctor. Through treating Lyme and strategically monitoring her self-care, today Halley manages a […]

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2. Budd Chiari: How to Live Well with this Rare Liver Disease – Jackie Shea

Budd Chiari: Nick Smoke’s life was overwhelmingly altered the day he found out he had a rare and life-threatening liver disease called Budd Chiari. At 24 years old, he was a working actor with a flourishing career and no reason to be seriously worried about his health —he didn’t drink or smoke, he took good care […]

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