
Month: July 2018

37. Healing From an Act of Violence • Forgiving Your Perpetrator – Jackie Shea

Megan’s Story: Twenty years ago, on a beautiful Monday afternoon in Portland, Oregon,  Megan was violently attacked and sexually assaulted by a stranger. It was luck that saved her life, but the emotional wounds carried on for years to follow. In this episode, Megan bravely shares her story and the tools she used to navigate […]

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36. Bullying and Anorexia • Healing From Trauma • Breaking the Stigma – Jackie Shea

Mary Beth Eversole: “I would dream about monsters chasing me with needles that would inject me with calories” -Mary Beth Eversole would have these dreams before her hospitalization for anorexia After decades of trauma—ranging in severity from car accidents to bullying and anorexia—Mary Beth Eversole ( www.marybetheversole.com )  wrote “Invisible Wounds,” a TV series that […]

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35. Thriving After Testicular Cancer with Mr. Ballsy – Jackie Shea

    Testicular Cancer and Mr. Ballsy: In 2009, Thomas Cantley (@mrballsy www.bigballsycomics.com)  was diagnosed with stage III testicular cancer at 26 years old. With no insurance, he found himself in the Bellevue ER after ignoring months of warning signs. Cantley jumped into action quickly and decided to film his journey. Today, whether by pushing […]

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34. Breast Cancer • Sex and (Self) Love After a Double Mastectomy with Amy Marcs – Jackie Shea

Amy Marcs, Sex and (Self) Love after a Double Mastectomy: In 2009, Amy received a breast cancer diagnosis and intuitively knew that a double mastectomy was her best option—no easy decision for “a petite Jewish girl with great boobs.” (No easy decision for anyone, ever). Marcs loved her breasts—her journey through the grieving process is […]

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33. Amy B. Scher • Lyme disease • This is How I Save My Life (When No One Else Can) – Jackie Shea

Amy B. Scher, “This Is How I Save My Life” After seven years of boundless symptoms, innumerable diagnoses, and all the treatments you can imagine, the root of Amy’s trouble was discovered: Lyme disease. Amy B. Scher (http://amybscher.com) had gotten accustomed to a life in-between wellness and illness, rarely fully in either world. When traveling […]

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